A more precise and formatted facts about Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir
1.0. Abdullah Bin Abdul Kadir 1.1. Biography Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir or more widely known as Munshi Abdullah was born in 1796 AD in Kampung Masjid or Kampung Pali (Rosnani, 48). Touted as the father of modern Malay literature, Abdullah was the youngest of four siblings; of which he is the only one to survive to adulthood. He is the great-grandson of Shaykh Abdul Kadir, an Arab from Yemen and a teacher of religion and language (Rosnani, 48). His father grew up in Mecca and received proper education in Qur’anic studies, Arabic and Tamil Language, Arithmetic and ended up being a merchant trading sundry goods. His father settled in Lobok Kepong and later Sungai Besi; becoming a Khatib. Furthermore, in the later stages of Abdullah’s father’s life, he become an expert in Malay language and wrote petitions and compositions to the Malays Sultans (Rosnani, 49). Thus, it can be concluded that Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir came from a knowledgeable family. His early childhood was plagued by